Terminal care - hospice in your own home
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What is palliative care?

Private hospice in Copenhagen and the surrounding area

Hospice in Copenhagen

Hospice in Zealand

The purpose of terminal care is to have a dignified death in your own home. Our palliative care can provide a good alternative to hospice. There are many options for terminal 24-hour care with a private nurse and home hospice, and the process is always adapted to the wishes of the individual patient and relatives.
Terminal care in own home with private nursing care
Privat Sygeplejerske ApS create the conditions for you to spend your final time in your own home with your loved ones around you. Our team of private nurses, with their years of experience in terminal care from hospices and palliative care units, can provide you with professional nursing care and the care you need to pass away in your own home.
We can also relieve you as a relative by taking over the care and practical tasks for the dying person. In our experience, many relatives may find it challenging to manage care and support while they are in the process of grieving.
A private nurse provides peace of mind for the dying person and can relieve you as a relative. You can be confident that your loved one was well cared for right up to the end and can spend the last days and hours with your loved one free from worries about the practical and nursing aspects.
Here, our palliative care nurse Diana talks about her work in terminal care and how she makes a difference to her patients at the end of their lives.
24-hour care of terminally ill patients in their own homes
Privat Sygeplejerske ApS can provide a team of private nurses to care for and relieve the dying person 24 hours in their own home during the last weeks of life. For example, If you are alone and wish to pass away in your own home it may be more comforting to be surrounded by private nurses. Our terminal care in your own home is offered both by private nurses in North Zealand, Funen and Jutland.
If you are a relative of a palliative patient, we can also take over the nursing and practical coordination, allowing you to spend time with your loved one, not to mention sleep. You can rest assured that someone is with your loved one while you sleep.
Our nurse Anne Mette has described how she works with terminal care and how she takes care of both patients and relatives. You can also read more about our 24-hour care here.
Palliative care for the terminally ill in their own home
With a private hospice in your own home, Privat Sygeplejerske ApS can provide nursing care to the patient. Our private nurses are trained to have a strong focus on alleviating the challenges of the dying It may be relief from pain, breathlessness, anxiety, or other.
We can be present in the home as often as you wish, and possibly in addition to municipal home care. We can provide medication and pain relief when needed, so the dying person doesn’t have to wait for an emergency team or home care.
Margit Egeskov talks about terminal care, where we offer our nurses to be with the dying person 24 hours a day.
Help for relatives of terminal patients
Being bereaved or losing a loved one is a grieving process. Therefore, we have a strong focus on the spiritual care of both you and the dying. Conversations can prevent anxiety and provide insight into wishes, concerns, and attitudes about the end of life. It can help ensure that the dying person receives the care and treatment they need.
As the dying person approaches the end of life, you as a family member need to be aware that:
– The dying person does not need food or fluids in the last days but can benefit greatly from moistening the mouth and lips with water or sparkling water and lip balm.
– The dying person will need to hear and feel your presence and hold your hand – even if in the last few days they may not be able to communicate with you.
Our team of private nurses in North Zealand, Funen, and Jutland will make sure that the dying person is camped, comfortable and cared for as desired. The medication that the dying person needs will be administered in order to be optimally relieved.
Interdisciplinary cooperation with relatives of terminal patients
Our private nurses will coordinate the palliative process in cooperation with you, the dying person, your own doctor, hospitals, etc., in relation to medication, aids, and other practical matters that may seem unmanageable.
We have been in these processes many times and will be able to guide you and through conversation help, you make the various decisions. This will free up more time for you in the final days. You can read more here about how we give you an overview of your disease course.
Your benefits of private nursing care
- Improved quality of life
- Relief for relatives
- Presence and care
- Personalized nursing care
- Security in everyday life
- Open every day, 24 hours a day

Terminal care aims to relieve pain in the last phase of life.

Your needs and wishes for the last time are prioritized when you choose terminal care.

Terminal care involves support for you and your relatives throughout the process.

We offer terminal care where you want to spend the last time.

Calm and safety are two important keywords in terminal care.

We offer terminal care 24 hours a day.

Terminal care involves helping with the practicalities associated with the end of life.

Terminal care provides the opportunity to have a meaningful and gentle end to life.

When you choose a course of terminal care, we tailor it to you and your needs.

Terminal care involves the relief of your close relatives so that there is room for presence.

Terminal care involves help with personal care and practical things at home.

You will be assigned a team of nurses who have several years of experience with terminal care.
Would you like to know more about terminal care options?
If you have any questions or would like to know more about what Privat Sygeplejerske ApS can do for you in your particular situation, please feel free to contact us. Through a no-obligation conversation, we can track down the needs in your situation and how we can best assist.