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Continuity and presence – you know your nurse

Knowing your nurse is extremely important in our approach to private nursing care. To create continuity in our care and provide private nursing care with presence, you will usually meet the same nurse every time you visit. Dorte explains her experiences and how she feels that continuity and presence create the basis for optimal nursing care.

The benefits of nurse and patient knowing each other

“The predictability of my patients knowing it’s me visiting them means they can be relaxed during my visits. It makes it much easier to talk about their health and the challenges they face. I make sure to use the time with my patients efficiently. This is done by being aware of the physical and mental needs of each patient. By listening to their individual needs, I can organize my nursing tasks to help each patient in the best possible way.” explains Dorte about her approach to private nursing care.
At Privat Sygeplejerske there is always time to ensure you the optimal care, calm, and reassurance about your situation.

Trust and a good relationship are essential for me to provide optimal nursing care for my patients. Therefore it is also important that each patient is involved and well informed in their treatment

Strong interdisciplinary collaboration between private nurse and others involved

It is often the case that Privat Sygeplejerske ApS has patients who are also affiliated with, for example, a physiotherapist, hospital, or private doctor. It is therefore essential that there is good multidisciplinary cooperation so that patients can receive the best possible treatment. Here, the key is to provide nursing care with warmth and presence, so that the patient feels safe.
Read more about how we can act as a facilitator in your disease course.

Dorte tells how some patients find it difficult with the many consultations and appointments in different places: “It can be overwhelming to have to keep track of everything while focusing on your own health and getting better. I find that with my nursing skills, I can be an effective facilitator between different parties. This means I can take the pressure off my patients and they can feel confident that I am on top of things. Again, it is a great advantage that my patients and I know each other.”

Nursing with care and presence at the center

“As a human being, feeling the presence and care of other people helps to increase our quality of life and strengthen our mental health. Therefore, it is important for me to be present when meeting my patients. They must have the care they each need.” Dorte says.

“Covid-19 has put an end to many family visits and other social events. It has had a significant negative impact on many elderly people who are forced to spend a lot of time alone. I can tell by my patients that they are happy to be visited and we take the time to review both mental and physical health.”

At Privat Sygeplejerske ApS we offer a companion scheme, where you can have a private nurse accompany you to family visits or other social events.

My job is about meeting the patient's nursing needs - both physical and mental. Through a good relationship and high nursing standards, I can contribute to this.

To see the patients blossom through nursing with care and presence

Another clear benefit of Dorte and Privat Sygeplejerske ApS’ other nurses building a good and trusting relationship with their patients is the outcome of the visits and treatments. Dorte explains: “It’s amazing to see a patient blossom over time and get better. Not only physically, but also mentally. It’s very rewarding to witness.”

Physical and mental health are linked, which is why Dorte keeps an eye on both: “If you’re in pain, it’s hard to be happy. And conversely, bad moods can lead to not wanting to be active or not eating, which affects your physique. Through presence, care, and high nursing standards, I can care for both with my patients.”

Read more about our private nursing care and all our nursing care services and contact us for a no-obligation conversation about how we can best help you in your specific situation.