Anja Thulstrup Nielsen


Palliative care for the dying – prioritizing quality of life and safety

Palliative care for the dying is an important service that aims to improve the quality of life for patients and their relatives in the difficult phase of life. As life draws to a close, there is nothing more important than ensuring that the patient and their loved ones receive the best possible support and care.

Palliative care for the dying – prioritizing quality of life and safety Read More »


Private relief for the elderly

When time, peace, and security make a differencel Aging is a natural part of life, but it can sometimes lead to various physical and psychological challenges. Relieving the elderly can therefore increase the quality of life for both the patient and the relatives. In such situations, the most important thing is to ensure care and

Private relief for the elderly Read More »


Hjælp til ældre i eget hjem

Privat Sygeplejerske ApS skaber tryghed At blive ældre er en naturlig del af livet, men det kommer ofte med en række udfordringer og behov for støtte i dagligdagens aktiviteter. Mange ældre ønsker at forblive i deres eget hjem og bevare deres selvstændighed så længe som muligt. Privat Sygeplejerske ApS tilbyder derfor hjælp til, så ældre

Hjælp til ældre i eget hjem Read More »

Privat Sygeplejerske is looking for a student worker for digital marketing

Privat Sygeplejerske ApS is looking for a student worker for digital marketing Experience: You may have some experience with digital marketing such as SoMe and SEO. However, the tasks that typically need to be performed are not ones that require technical knowledge. This could include tasks such as posting on our social media, various SEO

Privat Sygeplejerske is looking for a student worker for digital marketing Read More »